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He says that he doesn’t view the Truman bombing at all in a sense of criminal conspiracy. John Pritchard states that all issues focused on the world wide stage are equal and should be viewed as politics.

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Ronald Radosh’s view is not based on moral views or practical grounds. Specifically, I accuse President Truman of ordering the annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki via an experimental terror weapon resulting in the massacre and maiming of some 200,000 Japanese women, children and old people. I accuse President Harry S Truman of war crimes under Article 6 of the Nuremberg Charter outlawing'the wanton destruction of cities, towns, and villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.' Following the online publication of this'virtual' trial, readers were invited to submit their comments. In advance of publication, each writer was given the chance to review each other's statements.Īfterwards, the statements were submitted to a jury composed of leading scholars. Philip Nobile served as chief prosecutor, Ronald Radosh as chief defense counsel. The charge: that he violated the Nuremberg standards regarding the lawful conduct of war. In the summer of 2001, on the occasion of the anniversary of Hiroshima, History News Network staged a mock trial of Harry Truman.

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